Embarking on the Alpha Chi Journey: Discovering the Depths of Divine Natural Law

If you have been following my blog for a while, you know I am constantly in pursuit of spiritual growth and self-discovery, and help others achieve it too. This has led me to teach the Alpha Chi Consultant training which offers profound transformation. This journey transcends beyond the realms of traditional learning, opening doors to an ancient wisdom known as the Divine Natural Law. In this blog I want to delve deep into the Alpha Chi experience, exploring how this journey reshapes our understanding of the universe and our place within it, and offer you a better understanding of it.


Understanding the Divine Natural Law

At the heart of Alpha Chi training lies the Divine Natural Law, a concept as old as time itself. It’s the cosmic rulebook that explains the ‘why’ behind every state of being, offering insights into the fundamental principles that govern our existence. For those who have journeyed through the Path into Light® seminar, this training is the next step, providing a deeper understanding of how this law operates and affects every aspect of life.


The Experience of Expanding Knowledge

Alpha Chi training is an eye-opener to knowledge that extends beyond our ordinary perception. It’s like discovering a new spectrum of reality, one that’s been hidden in plain sight. You learn to access and interpret this knowledge, integrating it into various aspects of life, be it in personal consulting roles or within social and work environments. This integration is not just an intellectual exercise; it’s a transformative experience that enriches your understanding of the world.


Feng Shui: Harmonising with Universal Energy

A key component of the training is the energetic Feng Shui, the ancient art of harmonising with the surrounding environment. However, in Alpha Chi training, Feng Shui is explored not just as a method of arranging physical spaces but as a way of aligning life with the harmonious flow of universal energy. You will learn how this alignment creates joy and balance, leading to a more fulfilling existence.


Spiritual Consultation: Navigating Life with Clarity

Perhaps one of the most valuable skills acquired in the Alpha Chi training is spiritual consultation. You learn to provide precise, insightful guidance, particularly useful in challenging situations. This skill is about tapping into a deeper source of wisdom to offer clarity and direction, helping others navigate their life paths with greater understanding and purpose.


Life – Death – Life Transformation: Guiding Through Crucial Transitions

A profound aspect of the training involves learning to support individuals during significant life transitions, including the final transition at the end of life. This training teaches how to be present, offer guidance, and provide comfort during these pivotal moments, facilitating a smooth passage and transformation.


Communicating with the Natural World

A unique part of the Alpha Chi journey is learning to communicate with plants, crystals, and animals. This communication goes beyond the verbal; it’s an energetic exchange, a deep connection with the life force and wisdom of these beings. The training invites participants to experience the abundant life force through plants, delve into Earth’s ancient history through crystals, and feel the divine unity in all beings through animals.


Broadening the Spiritual Toolkit

The training encompasses a wide array of spiritual skills. You’ll explore connecting with power animals and angels, which opens doors to guidance and wisdom from different realms. You learn healing practices that not only heal the body but also the soul, dissolving old, unhelpful structures and creating new, light-filled ones that foster growth and fulfilment. Innovative solution-finding techniques are also a part of the curriculum, equipping participants with the tools to tackle life’s challenges creatively and effectively.


The Transformational Outcome

The outcome of the Alpha Chi training is not just a certificate; it’s a transformation of the self. You come away with a deeper understanding of their role in the universe, a heightened sense of connection with all forms of life, and an enhanced ability to guide others on their spiritual paths. You learn to view life through a lens of deeper understanding, seeing the interconnectedness of all things and the beauty of the universe’s divine plan.


The Alpha Chi Consultant training is an invitation to embark on a journey of deep spiritual enlightenment. It’s an opportunity to understand the rhythms of the universe, expand one’s perception, and apply this newfound understanding in everyday life. For anyone committed to their spiritual journey, Alpha Chi offers a profound experience of learning, growth, and transformation, setting the stage for a life aligned with the deepest truths of the universe.