

Let Your Inner Light Blossom: Embracing Your Soul Qualities with Starlight Essences

In the journey of life, amidst the hustle and the constant pursuit of goals, it’s easy to forget the true essence of our being. We are more than our roles, responsibilities, and routines; we are spiritual beings with a luminous inner light, unique soul qualities waiting to be acknowledged and expressed. As spring heralds the…

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Embrace Spring: Time for Feng Shui and Renewal

I always welcome the vibrant season of spring, as it’s a time when nature invites us to embrace change and renewal. It’s a time when the world around us blossoms with new life, inspiring us to bring fresh energy into our own spaces. Spring is the perfect season to reevaluate our surroundings, declutter our environments,…

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The Transformative Power of Crystals: Insights from Atlantis Crystal Healing

The Transformative Power of Crystals: Insights from Atlantis Crystal Healing If you have followed me for a while, you already know crystals are a big part of my life. This is because, since ancient times, crystals and gemstones have been revered for their healing properties and spiritual significance. Each crystal harbours unique light information and…

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Spring Awakens: A Time to Revitalise Your Spirit and Embrace the Starlight Within

I do so love this time of year. As the frost of winter melts away, spring heralds a period of awakening and renewal, not just for the Earth but for every creature that calls it home. Trees bud new leaves, flowers bloom with vibrant colours, and animals emerge from their winter slumber. It’s a time…

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Embracing the Leap Year: Celestial Rhythms and Their Influence on Our World

As we find ourselves in a Leap Year, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the intricate dance between the sun, moon, earth, and stars that orchestrates our existence. Every four years, an extra day is added to our calendar, a subtle but powerful reminder of the cosmic forces at play in our lives. This…

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Embracing Spring Awakening: A Time for Physical and Spiritual Rejuvenation

As the calendar turns its pages from February to March, we stand at the cusp of a magical transition. This is a time when the dormant world around us begins to stir, signalling the arrival of spring. For me, this period is not just about the awakening of nature but also a profound opportunity for…

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The Essence of Unconditional Love: A Journey Beyond the Surface

In my years of spiritual teaching and healing, I’ve come to realise the profound impact of unconditional love in our lives. This love, unlike any other, is not just a fleeting emotion or a momentary infatuation. It is a deep, abiding love that transcends the usual boundaries of affection and understanding. It’s not confined to…

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Embracing the Golden Age with Atlantis Crystal Healing: My Journey with ACH New Moon Crystals

In my practice of Atlantis Crystal Healing (ACH), I’ve discovered the transformative power of the ACH New Moon crystals, remarkable conduits of the golden light from heaven. These crystals embody the manifestation waves of the Golden Age, channelling the divine light impulses received through the Shakti energy, heralding an era of new creation.   The…

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The Transformative Power of Meditation in Daily Life: Simple Practices for Profound Change

If you follow me regularly, you know I am a big believer in the power of meditation, especially in these busy times. In our fast-paced, constantly connected world, finding moments of tranquillity can be challenging. Meditation, an ancient practice rooted in various cultures and traditions, offers a haven of calm and clarity amidst life’s chaos.…

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Embracing Transformation in ‘Turbulent Times’: A Journey to Self-Realisation

We all have our own unique tapestry of life, where each thread represents a unique aspect of our being, woven together to create the intricate story of who we are. I have been involved with a core competence called ‘Turbulent Times,’ which has profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal journey. At first, amidst the chaos…

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